My heart goes out to each of you reading this, as we navigate our way through all the upheaval and uncertainty COVID-19 has caused in our lives.
There has never been a time that’s so clearly exposed how globally connected we are and how interdependent we are on each other. I haven’t seen a single country, city, or town that isn’t affected in some way by this crisis — and it’s not until you’re experiencing it first hand that you see how each of our actions — socially, economically, and now, physically — impact those around us.
I really believe that the only way we’ll get through this crisis successfully is by the acts of generosity and humanity we show to others — and allow others to show us in return.
It’s an important motto in times of crisis: give what you can, and take what you need.
It’s the only way we’ll be able to meet everyone’s needs — others as well as our own.
Like every family, my family has been affected by this crisis, too. My wife and I are working from home, while our two kids are here, too, doing distance learning. My son, our eldest, is finishing up his senior year of high school and won’t have that right-of-passage graduation ceremony we’ve all been anticipating for years. It’s a milestone we’ll have to mark another way, which will be fine but not quite the same.
Yet the changes in our family’s life is nothing compared to the upheaval that others are experiencing, namely the kids and families we provide support to in the metro Atlanta area through our non-profit, the Future Foundation.
The closure of schools has had a direct impact on many of our kids’ access to food, as they depend on the free breakfast and lunch that’s provided there. It’s also affected many of our kids’ ability to learn effectively, since they don’t have the technology to participate in virtual learning, and their access to the emotional support provided by teachers and school staff that some of our kids can’t count on at home has been cut off.
That’s why our Future Foundation team is doing its very best to “give what we can” to address the needs of the 519 students we service every day. We’re their second family. So right now, we’re focused on gathering the resources necessary so they can “take what they need” in regard to food, hygiene and cleaning supplies, rent and mortgage costs, and technology for virtual learning.
We’re doing our best to provide for our kids — and we know that, with help, we’ll succeed.
Donate Now To Help Us In Our Efforts
As I take notice of what’s happening in the world today, it’s inspiring to see how so many are coming together to help each other get through this. Whether it’s buying gift cards to support local restaurants, bringing food to the elderly so they don’t need to go out, supplementing the pay of employees who aren’t able to work, or watching how companies are deploying their resources to make ventilators and masks, so many are stepping up to give what they can.
There has never been a time quite like this where our humanity and our willingness to be thoughtful and giving toward others has been put to the test.
I hope we can all give what we can, and take what we need — as much as possible — so that we make it through this crisis stronger and better because of it.
To learn more about the Future Foundation and how you might be able to support our kids in the Fulton and Atlanta areas, click here.
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